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Capacity Building
& Training 

CADRIM aims to ensure that Red Cross Societies within the Region are well-equipped with the technical knowledge and skills to operate effectively within the Regional context. Training Sessions are operational on a year-round basis and are an integral part of ensuring adequate preparation of the work of the staff and volunteers of the Caribbean Red Cross Societies within communities. CADRIM coordinates training sessions for National Societies of the Red Cross in the Caribbean on various topics. Training Sessions are conducted via face-to-face, online and blended sessions. 

If your National Society, IFRC Unit or Organisation requires support to deliver or develop trainings or professional development sessions: 


Community Disaster Response Teams Facilitator Training (CDRT)

Community Disaster Response Team (CDRT) training is designed to prepare facilitators to teach community members the basic skills that are important to know in an emergency when responder agencies are delayed in providing assistance. With training and practice and by working as a team, members of communities will be able to do the greatest good for the greatest number of victims after a disaster, while protecting themselves from becoming a victim.


National Disaster Response Teams


To improve their response and capacities when facing a crisis or disaster, all National Red Cross Red Crescent Societies must have well-trained and experienced human resources along with standardized selection criteria and harmonized methodologies to ensure that the same degree of professionalism exists in their National Response Teams (NRT).

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Mobile Data Collection


Mobile Data Collection Training provides National Societies with the skills required to collect data with the use of mobile data collection software that is specially designed for humanitarian environments.


Enhanced Vulnerability Capacity Assessment Facilitator Training

This workshop is a 6-day initiative aimed at equipping stakeholders who are engaged in community resilience building, with the knowledge and skills necessary to accompany and empower local communities to lead the process of understanding and reducing their risks to enhance their ability to anticipate, prepare for and reduce the impacts of hazards while incorporating the value of nature.

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National Intervention Teams

NITs Training offers in-depth information about the key areas of disaster preparedness and response. It covers logistics, the restoration of family links (tracing and messaging), damage assessment and evaluation, procurement, shelter management, and distribution. The NIT training is a mandatory component for any volunteer who wishes to join the Regional Intervention Team (RIT).

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Preparedness for Effective Response (PER)

The PER Approach offers different and adaptable ways of examining a National Society’s response mechanism. With the appropriate guidance, technical teams, rapid response teams and partners can use the PER mechanism for anticipatory, immediate or post action in operations as well as for long term capacity enhancement.

To review a summary of various blended learning trainings (i.e., in person and online) or virtual conferences coordinated and delivered by CADRIM click:

Did you know that the IFRC Learning Platform is a global online learning hub for all. It supports the personal and professional development of our volunteers and staff worldwide and helps improve public knowledge of important humanitarian issues. On the platform, you will find high-quality, multilingual learning opportunities developed by Red Cross and Red Crescent experts as well as resources from other humanitarian organizations.  Resources include self-paced online courses, video playlists and games—on topics ranging from first aid and healthy lifestyles through to supporting people on the move and disaster law.

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